
RJIL prepays Rs 30,791 crore clearing all deferred spectrum liabilities

Mumbai: Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd (RJIL) has said to have paid Rs 30,791 crore including accrued interest to the Department of Telecom towards prepayment of the entire deferred liabilities pertaining to spectrum acquired in auctions of year 2014, 2015, 2016 and the spectrum acquired in year 2021 through trading of right to use with Bharti Airtel Limited.

RJIL had executed the first tranche of prepayment on the anniversary date in October 2021 pertaining to spectrum acquired in auction in 2016. Subsequent to the Department of Telecom’s decision in December 2021 providing the telcos the flexibility to prepay their deferred spectrum liabilities on any date, RJIL has now prepaid in the month of January 2022, the entire deferred liabilities acquired in auction in the year 2014 and 2015 as well as spectrum acquired through trading, said the company in a statement.

Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited, a subsidiary of Jio Platforms Limited, has built a world-class all-IP data strong future proof network with latest 4G LTE technology. It is the only network conceived and born as a Mobile Video Network from the ground up and supporting Voice over LTE technology. It is future ready and can be easily upgraded to support even more data, as technologies advance on to 5G, 6G and beyond. Jio has brought transformational changes in the Indian digital services space to enable the vision of Digital India for 1.3 billion Indians and propel India into global leadership in the digital economy. /BI/